Campervan Factory

Launching soon...

A fully self-sustained Travel Suite.

Caravan Tourism will be the largest

 revenue-generating product

in the tourism sector in 

another 3-4 years time.


Designed and Tested at IIT MADRAS.

100% Legal Compliant, Safety Tested and Guaranteed Camper Product. The ONLY Camper in India by an OEM. No Registration Hassles.

Just Book at the Dealership, Get it Delivered after Registration. No Special Permit/License Needed to Drive This Camper.

India’s First
OEM Launched Caravan

Service and Support

Collaboration With

Marketing and
Promotion support

Distribution Network

Financial Assistance

Largest Caravan Manufacturing Capability in India

Our Products

Campervan Factory has come up with a caravan design keeping in mind the Indian mindset, taste, style, usage pattern, road and weather conditions and many such critical analyses and facts

Why Choose Us?


01ARAI Certified

Our caravan are built in India's largest manufacturing facilities adhering to all regulatory compliances including ARAI Certifications.

02The Only R&D based Company in Caravan Industry

Research based designs and innovative solutions and indigenous development of Bio-Toilets, smart water & power solution. tested for safety

03IIT Madras Incubated Company

Design assistance from IIT Madras and internationally reputed research centers like AMTDC (Advanced Manufacturing Technology Development Centre)

04Time-bound Delivery

Our large manufacturing capability to meet current and future market demands and ensures TIMELY delivery.

05Greener and More Cost Effective

Collaborative efforts with reputed research agencies to find greener solutions for Campervan applications at the same time cost-effective.

06Safety and World-Class Features

Paramount importance given to Caravan built quality and its safety features. We strive to give international quality Caravans suitable for Indian conditions.

About Campervan Factory

Revolutions bring about great changes. Green Revolution brought it for agriculture industry, White Revolution for milk production, similarly Campervan Revolution (Caravans & Campers) will bring about a great change in the ‘Travel & Tourism Industry’ in India.

Campervan Factory is an “IIT Madras-Incubated Caravan Manufacturing Company”. Our aim is to help establish Caravanning culture in India. Our product “Mahindra Caravahn” will trigger this “revolution” for the Caravan industry.

Campervan Factory is tied-up with multiple reputed research agencies such as the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Development Centre (AMTDC) for design development, and International Centre for Clean Water (ICCW) for introducing innovative solutions for water management and waste disposal and we have also tied-up with Saint Gobain Automotive Glass Division for for innovative glass solutions.

Campervan Factory wants to be an early disruptor in this space by designing, manufacturing and selling a wide range of innovative caravans in India and the neighbouring SAARC countries.

We have Tied-up with the Mahindra & Mahindra to launch Bolero-based Camper Trucks in India.

Our Partners